Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Take Part in the BOGP 2015 Rahlmann Double Dip Castaway Cay 5Kx2 Run and Virtual Fun Run

We are so lucky to have such a wonderful crew of BOGP Lizards! We never dreamed when we started this fantastic group that it would grow to what it is.  You all are an inspiration, pushing people to train, getting people motivated to get out there, and really emphasizing the importance of what "family" is all about!  

To help celebrate that "family" and also to honor the man who started it all, we are rolling out the BOGP 2015 Rahlmann Double Dip Castaway Cay 5Kx2 Run. 

So, how did this run come about? Well, as you all know, Mike likes to run.  And it was back in 2013 when Mike got bit by the running bug on Castaway Cay after running with our pal Phil.  So given that during BOGP Cruise 3.0 there will be 2 5Ks run on Castaway Cay, Phil and I conspired to create this unique run for all those Lizards who will be sailing with us.  

Those who are cruising that want to participate, please email and she will get you signed up. (There is no fee for those participating on Castaway Cay.)

But we didn't want to forget about those who won't be sailing with us. So, we have decided to open this run up to all BOGP Lizards in the form of a Virtual Fun Run! 

What does this Virtual Fun Run entail? Any Lizards who sign up for the race will have the opportunity to complete a double 5K with us! 

Open registration will take place from Wednesday, May 20 until Wednesday, July 1. Runners must complete their two 5Ks anywhere from July 1 through July 19. Participants will not have to run them "back to back" and they do not have to be official 5ks, they can be on your own in your own neighborhood; you just simply have to run 2 5Ks within the July 1-19 time frame. (For those who want to run the same days as those of us cruising, we will be running on Castaway Cay on July 11 and July 13. However, it is certainly not required that you run on those days.)

While we certainly aren't going to be policing that you completed the two runs, we do ask that you either post photos to the BOGP Lizard Facebook page or send photos to We want to be able to cheer you on during and after your runs!

Oh and did I mention that those who participate will get a snazzy BOGP Lizard medal?! 

There will be a registration fee associated with this virtual run, which will cost $20. A small portion of the registration will go towards the super awesome medal and shipping, while the larger remainder will be sent as a donation to Give Kids the World. Any and all can participate, however, each participant must pay the registration cost to receive the medal. 

To sign up for the race, simply email with your name and your address and your preferred contact email address.  You also will need to complete payment separately and we will have a few different ways to handle payment.  We will be able to accept checks or credit cards. For those looking to register with that method, please email Phil at  We will also accept PayPal payments, which can be sent to There will be no fees for those sending money in the U.S. by PayPal balance or bank account. (Choose the send money to family and friends option.) Only those who sign up and complete payment by July 1 will be officially registered for the virtual race.

Medals will be mailed to participants by July 31. 

We are so excited to be able to introduce this event, cheer on other Lizards and to get to raise additional funds for Give Kids The World, a charity that you all know, is near and dear to our hearts.

Go Lizards go!